Artemis Fowl is a thrilling adventure film released in 2020. The movie follows the extraordinary journey of Artemis Fowl, a brilliant young mastermind known for his criminal exploits. Artemis sets out on a dangerous mission to locate his father, who has mysteriously disappeared. In his quest for answers, Artemis discovers the existence of a hidden world filled with magical creatures and a powerful secret society of fairies.
Driven by his determination to reunite with his father, Artemis embarks on a treacherous adventure to capture a fairy and use her as ransom in exchange for his father's safe return. As he delves deeper into this magical realm, Artemis encounters unprecedented challenges and learns about his own hidden abilities.
Artemis must confront and outsmart a formidable fairy police force led by the cunning and enigmatic Commander Root. Alongside his loyal bodyguard, Domovoi Butler, and a cunning elf named Holly Short, Artemis navigates a dangerous landscape to unravel the mystery behind his father's disappearance.
Directed by Kenneth Branagh, this action-packed fantasy film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as Artemis battles against time and the forces of darkness to save his family. Artemis Fowl offers a captivating blend of action, suspense, and magic, making it an exciting and enjoyable watch for audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Artemis FowlRelease Date:
12 Jun 2020Writers:
Eoin Colfer, Hamish McColl, Conor McPhersonAwards:
2 nominations