In the animated adventure film Arthur och Maltazard (2009), Arthur follows in the footsteps of his nature-loving grandfather by undertaking a series of tests to prove his harmony with the natural world. These tests were originally meant for members of the Bogo tribe, who have a deep connection with trees, minerals, and animals. Passing these tests as a white man, Arthur becomes an honorary member of the tribe.
However, Arthur soon receives a mysterious call for help from the Mimimoy people and decides to enter their miniature world. Little does he know that the call was actually a trick to capture him. The mastermind behind this deception manages to escape and is now ready to wreak havoc in the real world.
With the help of his friends, Arthur begins to unravel the truth behind the trickery and must confront the escaped mastermind before it's too late. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and obstacles that test his bravery and resourcefulness.
Arthur och Maltazard is a thrilling and action-packed film that explores themes of nature, friendship, and deception. Will Arthur be able to outsmart the mastermind and save both the Mimimoy world and his own? Find out in this exciting animated adventure.