Arthurs Gesetz is a dark comedy series that follows the life of Arthur, a man who seems to be cursed with bad luck. After losing his right hand in an accident, losing his job, and facing troubles in his marriage, he devises a desperate plan to get out of his miserable situation. Arthur decides to get rid of his wife, hoping to collect her life insurance and start afresh with his lover.
However, his plan takes an unexpected turn as his wife survives the murder attempt. Now, Arthur is caught in a web of deceit and must navigate the consequences of his actions. As he tries to cover up his failed attempt, he becomes entangled in a series of dark and hilarious situations that push him to the edge.
Throughout the series, Arthur faces numerous challenges and encounters eccentric characters that complicate his already chaotic life. With his reputation hanging by a thread, Arthur must outsmart those around him and find a way to escape the mess he has created.
Arthurs Gesetz is a gripping and unpredictable series that combines elements of black comedy with thrilling twists and turns. Viewers will be drawn into Arthur's world, eagerly anticipating his next misadventure while questioning whether he will ever find redemption.
Also Known As:
Arthurs GesetzRelease Date:
07 Jan 2021Writers:
Benjamin GutscheAwards:
1 win & 4 nominations