In the riveting historical drama series Barbarians (2020–), viewers are taken on a captivating journey through the conflicted world of a Roman officer torn between two worlds. Set in ancient times, the plot revolves around the tumultuous life of the protagonist, who finds himself torn between his loyalty to the powerful empire that raised him and his own tribal people.
As the story unfolds, the audience witnesses the protagonist's internal struggle and the profound impact it has on the historical clash between the Roman Empire and his tribal community. Faced with the weight of his conflicting allegiances, the character embarks on a path filled with personal sacrifices, political intrigue, and thrilling battle sequences.
The series masterfully captures the essence of ancient Rome, immersing viewers in a visually stunning and historically accurate portrayal of the era. The meticulous attention to detail in the costuming and set design enhances the authenticity of the narrative, making it a visually captivating experience.
Barbarians skillfully explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the consequences of divided allegiances. Through its complex characters and intense plot, the series delves into the complexities of power dynamics, cultural clashes, and the human capacity for both courage and betrayal.
With its gripping storyline and stellar performances, Barbarians offers a compelling and thought-provoking watch for history enthusiasts, fans of political dramas, and anyone seeking an immersive and meticulously crafted storytelling experience.
Also Known As:
BarbariansRelease Date:
23 Oct 2020Writers:
Andreas Heckmann, Arne Nolting, Jan Martin ScharfAwards:
5 nominations