In the 1982 cult classic film Basket Case, a young man is seen around town carrying a large basket. Inside this basket is his deformed, formerly conjoined twin brother named Belial. Separated against their will by doctors, the duo seeks revenge on those responsible for tearing them apart. As they embark on their mission of vengeance, they encounter a series of gruesome and shocking events that test the limits of their bond and their morality. Throughout the film, the audience is taken on a thrilling and suspenseful journey as the brothers navigate their twisted and disturbing circumstances. With a blend of horror, comedy, and a touch of drama, Basket Case offers a unique and engaging viewing experience that has attracted a dedicated cult following over the years. Dive into this bizarre and twisted tale that explores themes of family, revenge, and the consequences of scientific meddling in this unforgettable cinematic gem.
Also Known As:
Basket CaseRelease Date:
02 Apr 1982Writers:
Frank Henenlotter