Beauty and the Least: The Misadventures of Ben Banks is a comedic film that follows the misadventures of Ben Banks, a lazy and unmotivated man. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a beautiful waitress who is running away from her troubled past. This encounter sparks a newfound ambition in Ben, pushing him to step out of his comfort zone.
As Ben's feelings for the waitress deepen, he discovers that explicit pictures of her are being circulated by a notorious porn mogul. Driven by overwhelming emotions, Ben embarks on a mission to track down the distributor and put an end to the exploitation.
This engaging film combines elements of romance, comedy, and adventure as Ben navigates through a series of amusing and often perilous encounters. Through his journey, Ben not only learns about love and loyalty but also discovers his own potential for growth and transformation.
With the character Ben Banks portrayed by the same-named actor, this movie brings authenticity and charm to the screen. Viewers can expect a heartwarming story with hilarious moments and unexpected twists, all while exploring themes of personal growth and the pursuit of justice.
Beauty and the Least: The Misadventures of Ben Banks is a feel-good film that guarantees entertainment for any viewer seeking a captivating and uplifting story.
Also Known As:
Beauty and the Least: The Misadventures of Ben BanksRelease Date:
07 May 2013Writers:
Bryce Clark