In the movie Beneath the Leaves, four young boys from a small town are abducted by James Whitley, a disturbed individual with a seemingly twisted mission. Whitley believes in reuniting orphaned children with their deceased birth parents, and his grotesque pursuit knows no bounds. However, his plans are foiled when the boys manage to escape and he is apprehended by the authorities.
Fast forward twenty years, and Whitley seizes an opportunity to continue his mission when he escapes during a prison fire. Determined to see it through this time, he goes into hiding. Detective Larson, who was a victim of Whitley's in the past, is taken off the case due to his personal connection and inability to remain impartial. This leaves his partner and lover, Detective Shotwell, to pick up the investigation.
Driven by a mix of anger and a yearning for redemption, Detective Larson takes matters into his own hands and embarks on a perilous pursuit of the relentless psychopath. Little does he know that he is walking into the same dangerous trap he managed to escape as a child.
Beneath the Leaves is a gripping thriller that explores themes of trauma, vengeance, and the cyclical nature of violence. Will Detective Larson be able to outsmart Whitley, or will he become a victim once again? Find out in this intense and suspenseful film.
Also Known As:
Beneath the LeavesRelease Date:
08 Feb 2019Writers:
Adam Marino (story by), Naman Barsoom (screenplay), Daniel Wallner (screenplay), Mark Andrew Wilson (screenplay)