Beowulf (2007) is an epic animated adventure film that follows the valiant warrior Beowulf as he battles against the monstrous Grendel and his vengeful mother. Set in ancient Denmark, the kingdom is plagued by Grendel's reign of terror, causing King Hrothgar to seek the aid of a brave hero. Beowulf steps forward, vowing to rid the land of this menace.
As Beowulf confronts Grendel, a fierce and brutal battle ensues. However, he soon discovers that his victory is only the beginning. Grendel's mother, seeking revenge for her son's death, begins a deadly rampage. Beowulf must face the wrath of this formidable creature, plunging himself into a treacherous and harrowing mission.
Drawing inspiration from the legendary Old English tale, Beowulf (2007) is a visually stunning and captivating adaptation that explores themes of heroism, loyalty, and the consequences of one's actions. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, the film's groundbreaking motion capture technology brings the characters to life, creating a breathtaking experience for the viewers.
With an all-star cast that includes Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie, and Ray Winstone, Beowulf (2007) boasts powerful performances that enhance the story's epic nature. Gripping battles, intense drama, and a captivating narrative make Beowulf (2007) a must-watch for fans of adventure and mythology.
Embark on an extraordinary journey as you join Beowulf in his quest to overcome darkness, save a kingdom, and prove himself as a legendary hero in this mesmerizing animated film.
Also Known As:
BeowulfRelease Date:
16 Nov 2007Writers:
Neil Gaiman (screenplay), Roger Avary (screenplay), Anonymous (epic poem "Beowulf")Awards:
3 wins & 17 nominations.