Best of the Best is a thrilling action-packed martial arts film released in 1989. The plot revolves around an upcoming Tae Kwon Do tournament where a team from the United States must face off against a formidable opponent from Korea. The team comprises skilled fighters hailing from different parts of the country, each with their own unique fighting style. However, the team's success hinges on their ability to put their differences aside and work together.
As the tournament approaches, the team members must overcome their personal rivalries and learn to trust one another. Under the guidance of their coach, a former champion who knows what it takes to win, the team undergoes intense training to maximize their skills and improve their collaborative spirit. Along the way, they form strong bonds and discover the true meaning of teamwork.
The movie is a captivating blend of intense fight scenes, emotional character development, and themes of unity, perseverance, and friendship. Viewers will find themselves on the edge of their seats as they witness the thrilling battles unfold. Directed by Robert Radler and starring a talented cast including Eric Roberts and James Earl Jones, Best of the Best is a must-watch for martial arts enthusiasts and those seeking an adrenaline-filled cinematic experience.
Don't miss out on this riveting tale of teamwork and triumph. Stream Best of the Best now to witness the ultimate showdown between two indomitable forces in the Tae Kwon Do world.
Also Known As:
Best of the BestRelease Date:
10 Nov 1989Writers:
Phillip Rhee, Paul Levine, Max StromAwards:
1 nomination