In Better Days, a gripping drama film, viewers are immersed in the life of a bullied teenage girl who finds solace and protection in an unexpected friendship. As she battles both physical and emotional torment from her assailants, she discovers an elusive and mysterious young man who defends her against her tormentors. However, this heart-wrenching journey is complicated by the immense pressure of her final examinations.
This captivating movie explores themes of resilience, friendship, and the struggles of adolescence in a realistic and poignant way. The strong bond forged between the girl and her protector serves as a beacon of hope amidst the bleakness of her daily life. As their relationship deepens, they navigate the complexities of their circumstances and personal demons.
Better Days is a masterfully crafted film that strikes a chord with viewers, inviting them to reflect on the impact of bullying and the resilience of the human spirit. It beautifully captures the angst and challenges faced by teenagers, highlighting the importance of compassion and support during times of vulnerability.
With its powerful storytelling and exceptional performances, Better Days is an emotionally gripping film that will leave audiences both moved and inspired. It serves as a reminder of the profound impact kindness and understanding can have on the lives of those who are suffering.
Also Known As:
Better DaysRelease Date:
25 Oct 2019Writers:
Wing-Sum Lam, Yuan Li, Yimeng XuAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 63 wins & 81 nominations total