Blue Streak is a hilarious action comedy film directed by Les Mayfield. The movie centers around Miles Logan, a talented jewel thief who manages to steal a massive diamond. Unfortunately, he is caught and sentenced to two years in jail. Upon his release, Miles discovers that during the robbery, he hid the diamond in a police building that was under construction.
Desperate to retrieve his treasure, Miles devises a cunning plan to infiltrate the Los Angeles Police Department. He poses as an L.A.P.D. detective and starts working alongside a rookie cop, Carlson. Together, they embark on a series of misadventures and humorous encounters as Miles tries to locate the hidden diamond.
As Miles dives deeper into the world of law enforcement, he begins to realize the importance of integrity, teamwork, and friendship. Along the way, he also finds unexpected love with a woman named Melissa Green, who is unaware of his true identity.
Filled with comedic moments and action-packed scenes, Blue Streak is an entertaining film that blends comedy, crime, and a touch of romance. Martin Lawrence delivers an outstanding performance as the hilarious and resourceful Miles Logan, injecting the film with his signature comedic style.
Blue Streak is a must-watch for fans of Martin Lawrence and action comedy movies. Get ready for a wild and entertaining ride as Miles tries to outwit the police and recover his precious diamond.