In the movie Bluebird (2013), set in an isolated Maine logging town, the story revolves around one woman's tragic mistake that disrupts the community's delicate balance. The film intricately weaves together multiple interconnected storylines to explore the far-reaching consequences of a single event on the residents of the town. As the characters grapple with grief, guilt, and unintended repercussions, Bluebird delves into the profound and transformative effects of tragedy on an insular American community.
Amidst the frozen wilderness, the residents of this tight-knit town find themselves confronting their own inner demons and navigating the complex web of relationships that bind them together. As secrets are unearthed and emotions run high, Bluebird delves deep into the human experience, showcasing the resilience, vulnerability, and interconnectedness of those who call this town home.
Discover the poignant and thought-provoking tale of Bluebird, a gripping drama that explores the enduring impact of tragedy on a small community in rural America.
Also Known As:
BluebirdRelease Date:
27 Feb 2015Writers:
Lance EdmandsAwards:
3 wins & 11 nominations