Brotherhood is a gripping drama series set in an Irish neighborhood in Providence, Rhode Island. Two brothers find themselves on opposite ends of the law, each leading diametrically opposed lives. On one hand, we have a charismatic gangster, played by Jason Isaacs, who navigates a dark and dangerous underworld. On the other hand, we have his brother, portrayed by Jason Clarke, a state politician striving to maintain a clean image and uphold the law.
The story delves into the complexities of family loyalty, the clash between personal ambitions and moral obligations, and the corrupting influence of power. As their paths intersect, the brothers are forced to reconcile their conflicting values, confront their shared past, and face the consequences of their choices.
With its gritty portrayal of the Irish-American community, Brotherhood explores themes of identity, cultural heritage, and the pressures of belonging. The compelling performances by the talented cast, including Annabeth Gish and Ethan Embry, breathe life into the complex characters and their intricate relationships.
Fans of crime dramas will be thrilled by the authentic portrayal of the criminal underworld, as well as the exploration of political corruption. With its engaging storytelling and thought-provoking themes, Brotherhood is sure to captivate viewers seeking a captivating blend of tension, action, and compelling character development.
Also Known As:
BrotherhoodRelease Date:
09 Jul 2006Writers:
Blake MastersAwards:
4 wins & 5 nominations