Bulworth (1998) is a thought-provoking political comedy-drama directed by Warren Beatty. The film revolves around Jay Bulworth, a liberal politician who has hit rock bottom and becomes disenchanted with the corrupt nature of American politics. Faced with various personal and professional crises, Bulworth decides to hire a hitman to assassinate him. But before his imminent demise, he takes advantage of his newfound freedom to express his true thoughts and feelings.
Embracing the culture of hip-hop, Bulworth adopts its rhythms and language, using it as a platform to convey his unfiltered opinions to the public. This transformation allows him to break free from the constraints of conventional politics and conventional speeches. His blunt honesty captivates not only his voters but also the media, resulting in a surge of popularity. As he continues to speak his unvarnished truth, Bulworth exposes the deep-rooted corruption within the political system and the disenchantment felt by many disillusioned Americans.
Through sharp satire and clever dialogue, Bulworth tackles profound themes such as wealth disparity, racism, and campaign finance. It delves into the impact of money on politics and challenges the status quo, urging viewers to question the authenticity of politicians' promises and the true power of their influence. With its unique blend of comedy and political commentary, Bulworth offers a refreshingly honest and provocative perspective on American democracy and the need for change.
Also Known As:
BulworthRelease Date:
22 May 1998Writers:
Warren Beatty, Jeremy PikserAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 1 win & 20 nominations total