Burning Dog (2014) is a thrilling suspense movie that follows the story of a video game designer who unexpectedly becomes involved in a dangerous blackmail conspiracy. As the protagonist stumbles upon this conspiracy, he finds himself entangled with contract killers, Russian mobsters, and corrupt police officers in the bizarre world of Los Angeles.
The film is uniquely narrated from a first-person point of view, adding an immersive element to the storytelling. Throughout the movie, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats as they try to piece together the mystery, constantly guessing what will happen next.
Burning Dog offers a rollercoaster ride of suspense, thrills, and unexpected twists, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. The protagonist's journey through the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles provides a dark and gritty backdrop for the action-packed plot.
This gripping film keeps audiences hooked until the very end, and with its relentless pace and uncertainty, viewers are in for a thrilling experience. With elements of crime, conspiracy, and danger, Burning Dog promises to deliver an intense and unforgettable story.
Also Known As:
Burning DogRelease Date:
31 Jul 2014Writers:
Trey Batchelor