Calladita (2023) follows the story of a young Colombian woman who works as a maid in a luxurious summer mansion where a wealthy family spends their holidays. The protagonist is quiet and discreet, following the instructions she was given. However, as she navigates through her daily tasks, she begins to explore the possibility of finding her own happiness and fulfillment.
As the plot unfolds, viewers are drawn into the complexities of social class dynamics and the challenges faced by individuals working in service positions. The film delicately portrays the protagonist's journey of self-discovery and empowerment, highlighting her resilience and determination in a world where she is often overlooked.
Through a captivating narrative and compelling performances, Calladita sheds light on important themes such as identity, social hierarchy, and personal agency. Audiences will be captivated by the protagonist's journey towards independence and self-assertion in the face of adversity.
Experience the emotional depth and poignant storytelling of Calladita as it unravels the protagonist's quest to find her voice and carve out her own path in a world defined by silence and conformity.
Also Known As:
The Quiet MaidRelease Date:
17 May 2024Writers:
Miguel FausAwards:
2 wins & 4 nominations