In Cape Fear (1991), a gripping psychological thriller directed by Martin Scorsese, a family becomes the target of a vengeful ex-convict seeking revenge. Max Cady, a convicted rapist, is released from prison after serving a 14-year sentence. Consumed by a burning desire for retribution, Cady begins to stalk the family of Sam Bowden, the lawyer who defended him in court. As tensions escalate, the Bowdens are forced to confront their darkest fears in a relentless battle for survival.
Robert De Niro delivers a chilling and intense performance as Max Cady, elevating the film's suspense to unparalleled heights. His portrayal of a calculating and sadistic villain leaves the audience on edge, uncertain of what he will do next. Nick Nolte stars as Sam Bowden, the tormented lawyer, who must protect his family while questioning his own ethics in the process. Jessica Lange shines as Leigh Bowden, Sam's wife, who becomes a source of strength and resilience in the face of danger.
Scorsese masterfully builds tension with his expert direction, employing atmospheric cinematography and a haunting score. The film delves into the depths of human darkness, exploring themes of morality, justice, and the consequences of one's actions. Cape Fear keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish, delivering pulse-pounding suspense and a thrilling climax that will leave them breathless.
Note: Due to the nature of the film, viewer discretion is advised as it contains intense scenes and themes.
Also Known As:
Cape FearRelease Date:
15 Nov 1991Writers:
John D. MacDonald, James R. Webb, Wesley StrickAwards:
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 5 wins & 21 nominations total