Centaurworld (2021–) is an animated series that takes viewers on a whimsical journey through a fantastical land. The story follows a battle-weary war horse who is unexpectedly transported to a vibrant and colorful world inhabited by a variety of centaurs, each with their own unique personalities and singing abilities.
In this musical adventure, the war horse must navigate this strange new realm while searching for a way to return to her own world. Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships with a diverse group of centaurs who help her on her quest. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures and encounter both comical and dangerous situations.
The series combines elements of action, fantasy, and comedy, appealing to audiences of all ages. It showcases stunning animation, imaginative storytelling, and catchy musical numbers that bring the magical world of centaurs to life.
Centaurworld explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and embracing one's uniqueness. It highlights the importance of collaboration and acceptance, as the war horse learns to embrace her own identity while forming bonds with the extraordinary centaurs she meets along the way.
Join the war horse and her new centaur friends in Centaurworld, where laughter, music, and adventure await in every episode.
Also Known As:
CentaurworldRelease Date:
30 Jul 2021Writers:
Megan Dong