Chichipatos: ¡Qué chimba de Navidad! is a delightful Colombian comedy film that serves as a prequel to the hit series Chichipatos. Set before the events of Season 1, the story revolves around three lovable characters: Juanquini, El Ñato, and Captain González. The trio yearns for a transformation in their lives and harbors a shared Christmas wish: to find the courage to make that change.
Enter El Dañado, a mysterious character who may hold the key to their dreams. As the movie unfolds, the audience is taken on a hilarious and heartwarming journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. With plenty of slapstick humor, silly mishaps, and memorable moments, Chichipatos: ¡Qué chimba de Navidad! guarantees nonstop laughter and entertainment.
This prequel film not only provides a backstory to beloved characters but also delves into their desires for self-improvement and personal growth. Viewers can expect sidesplitting comedy, endearing friendships, and a touch of holiday magic. Whether you're a fan of the Chichipatos series or new to the world of these lovable characters, Chichipatos: ¡Qué chimba de Navidad! is the perfect addition to your Christmas movie marathon. So gather your loved ones, grab some snacks, and get ready to laugh your way into the holiday season with this delightful Colombian comedy.
Also Known As:
An Unremarkable ChristmasRelease Date:
17 Dec 2020Writers:
Dago García