Christmas for Keeps (2021) is a heartwarming holiday film that follows a group of childhood friends as they reunite after 10 years to celebrate the life of their beloved high school teacher during Christmas time. The close-knit group, who have all pursued different paths in life, come together in their hometown for a weekend filled with nostalgia, laughter, and rediscovery.
As the friends gather, they reminisce about their shared memories and the impact their teacher had on their lives. Each character reflects on the lessons they learned and the lasting friendships that were forged in their school days. Throughout the weekend, they embark on various holiday-themed adventures that test their relationships and remind them of the importance of cherishing the past while embracing the present.
With themes of love, forgiveness, and the true spirit of Christmas, Christmas for Keeps delivers a powerful message about the enduring power of friendship and the significance of traditions. The film captures the magic of the holiday season, sprinkled with a touch of nostalgia and a healthy dose of laughter.
Featuring a talented ensemble cast, Christmas for Keeps is filled with endearing performances and relatable characters that will resonate with audiences of all ages. So, grab a cup of hot cocoa, cozy up with your loved ones, and get ready to embark on a heartwarming journey down memory lane this Christmas.
Also Known As:
Christmas for KeepsRelease Date:
18 Dec 2021Writers:
Nikki Deloach, Megan McNulty