City on a Hill is a gripping crime drama series set in early 1990s Boston. The show follows the story of Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Decourcy Ward and corrupt FBI veteran Jackie Rohr, as they forge an unlikely partnership to tackle a case that challenges the city's entire criminal justice system.
ADA Decourcy Ward is an idealistic and ambitious prosecutor determined to root out corruption and bring justice to Boston. Jackie Rohr, on the other hand, is a revered and manipulative FBI veteran who plays by his own rules. Despite their contrasting approaches, Ward and Rohr join forces to investigate a case that has far-reaching implications.
As they delve deeper into their investigation, the duo uncovers a web of corruption that extends beyond the usual suspects. Along the way, they encounter powerful criminal organizations, corrupt politicians, and a flawed system that perpetuates inequality and injustice.
City on a Hill offers a gritty and realistic portrayal of the criminal justice system in the face of corruption. It explores themes of power, morality, and the lengths some will go to maintain their status quo. The series intertwines complex character dynamics with intense action and suspense, making it a must-watch for fans of crime dramas.
Disclaimer: City on a Hill contains mature content and may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
ADA Decourcy Ward is an idealistic and ambitious prosecutor determined to root out corruption and bring justice to Boston. Jackie Rohr, on the other hand, is a revered and manipulative FBI veteran who plays by his own rules. Despite their contrasting approaches, Ward and Rohr join forces to investigate a case that has far-reaching implications.
As they delve deeper into their investigation, the duo uncovers a web of corruption that extends beyond the usual suspects. Along the way, they encounter powerful criminal organizations, corrupt politicians, and a flawed system that perpetuates inequality and injustice.
City on a Hill offers a gritty and realistic portrayal of the criminal justice system in the face of corruption. It explores themes of power, morality, and the lengths some will go to maintain their status quo. The series intertwines complex character dynamics with intense action and suspense, making it a must-watch for fans of crime dramas.
Disclaimer: City on a Hill contains mature content and may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.