Close Enough is a hilarious animated series that takes a comedic look at the lives of a couple navigating the challenges of transitioning from their twenties to their thirties. The show follows Josh and Emily, a couple living in Los Angeles with their young daughter and eccentric roommate.
Throughout the series, Josh and Emily confront relatable and humorous situations that arise in their daily lives, while also addressing the complexities that come with adulthood. From juggling work and parenting responsibilities to dealing with their relationship dynamics, the couple embarks on a journey filled with laughter, heartache, and personal growth.
With witty dialogue and clever humor, Close Enough offers a fresh and relatable take on the struggles of modern adulthood. The show explores themes such as relationships, career aspirations, and the challenges of maintaining a work-life balance.
Created by J.G. Quintel, the mind behind beloved animated series Regular Show, Close Enough boasts a unique art style and an exceptional voice cast that brings the characters to life. This animated sitcom is perfect for those seeking a light-hearted series that reflects the hilarious and sometimes chaotic reality of transitioning into adulthood.
Also Known As:
Close EnoughRelease Date:
09 Jul 2020Writers:
Matt Price, J.G. Quintel, Sean SzelesAwards:
1 nomination