Cold Skin is a thrilling and suspenseful movie that takes place on a remote island. The story follows a young man who arrives on the island, only to find himself in a life-or-death battle. As the protagonist explores the island, he discovers that it is inhabited by strange and terrifying creatures who emerge from the water at night.
The movie delves into themes of isolation, survival, and the fear of the unknown. The young man is forced to defend himself against the creatures and form an unlikely alliance with a mysterious and enigmatic character. As their relationship develops, they uncover dark secrets about the island and its inhabitants.
Cold Skin is visually stunning, with breathtaking landscapes and stunning visual effects. The eerie atmosphere and intense action sequences keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The movie also explores deeper themes of humanity, identity, and the lengths people will go to survive.
Overall, Cold Skin is a gripping and thought-provoking movie that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. It combines elements of horror, suspense, and drama to deliver a unique and captivating story.
Also Known As:
Cold SkinRelease Date:
07 Sep 2018Writers:
Jesús Olmo (screenplay), Eron Sheean (screenplay), Albert Sánchez Piñol (novel)