In Crisis (2021), three interconnected stories explore the devastating world of opioids. This gripping thriller delves into the lives of a drug trafficker, an architect fighting addiction, and a university professor facing shocking revelations.
The movie follows a drug trafficker as he masterminds a dangerous illegal operation, smuggling the deadly drug Fentanyl between Canada and the United States. As tensions rise and the web of cartels thickens, the trafficker finds himself entangled in a deadly game.
Simultaneously, an architect struggles to recover from her addiction to OxyContin while searching for answers about her son's involvement with narcotics. Determined to uncover the truth, she embarks on a personal mission that leads her deep into the dark underbelly of the opioid crisis.
In the third storyline, a university professor makes startling discoveries about his research employer, a powerful drug company with close ties to the government. As he uncovers the truth about their new non-addictive painkiller, he must confront his own moral dilemma and decide where his allegiances lie.
Crisis weaves these three narratives together, offering a thought-provoking exploration of the devastating impact of opioids on individuals and society. This suspenseful and powerful film shines a light on the complex web of greed, corruption, and addiction surrounding the opioid epidemic.