In the heartwarming holiday romantic comedy Dating Santa, a single mother named Sarah finds herself falling head over heels for a charming chef after a blind date. However, there's a catch - Sarah's daughter, Lily, is a firm believer in Santa Claus and is convinced that the man Sarah is dating might actually be the jolly old man himself.
To win Lily's approval and ensure that their romance can thrive during the Christmas season, Sarah and her chef beau concoct a plan to pose him as Santa Claus. Together, they go to great lengths to convince Lily that her mom's new love interest is the real deal, including donning the signature red suit and white beard.
As the scheme unfolds, Dating Santa takes viewers on a delightful journey filled with laughter, love, and family bonding. Along the way, Sarah discovers the true meaning of Christmas and experiences the joy of finding love during the most magical time of year.
Full of festive spirit and heartwarming moments, Dating Santa is the perfect feel-good movie to watch with your loved ones this holiday season. Join Sarah, Lily, and their charming chef as they navigate the complexities of love and Christmas traditions in this charming and enchanting holiday tale.