In the action-packed horror film Dead Snow (2009), a group of friends embarks on a relaxing getaway to the remote wilderness. However, their peaceful retreat takes a horrifying turn when they encounter a peculiar old man who reveals a chilling wartime legend. During World War II, the area was besieged by cruel Nazi invaders who oppressed the locals until a courageous uprising forced them to retreat into the unforgiving mountains, where they supposedly met their demise.
Now, an eerie rumor circulates that these malevolent Nazi invaders have returned as undead zombies. As the friends settle into their secluded cabin, they soon find themselves battling for their lives against a relentless army of evil Nazi zombies.
Directed by Tommy Wirkola, Dead Snow offers an adrenaline-fueled mix of terror and gore. As the terrified group fights to survive, they must unravel the mystery behind the resurrection of the Nazi zombies and find a way to defeat them before they fall victim to the brutal undead soldiers.
Filled with suspenseful moments and spine-chilling special effects, Dead Snow is a thrilling horror experience that delivers both frights and thrills. Get ready to face an ancient evil as you join these friends in their desperate fight for survival against the resurrected horrors of World War II.
Also Known As:
Dead SnowRelease Date:
09 Jan 2009Writers:
Tommy Wirkola, Stig Frode HenriksenAwards:
2 wins & 6 nominations