Deep Dark is a dark and twisted movie that follows the story of Hermann, a failed sculptor who reaches the brink of suicide. However, his life takes a sudden turn when he discovers a mysterious and talking hole in the wall. The creature residing in the hole, voiced by ÆON FLUX's Denise Poirier, possesses the ability to grant Hermann's wildest dreams.
Excited by such an extraordinary power, Hermann begins to make his wishes, hoping for success and fulfillment. Yet, as the story unfolds, things take a dark and sinister turn. Hermann’s dreams soon become his worst nightmares, and the consequences of his desires are far more horrific than he could have imagined.
As the film progresses, Hermann finds himself trapped in a nightmarish reality where the killing begins and his own life is at stake. Deep Dark serves as a chilling cautionary tale, illustrating the dangers of longing for things beyond our reach and warning viewers to be wary of the consequences that may come with having their desires fulfilled.
Filled with suspense and psychological twists, Deep Dark is a suspenseful journey that explores the depths of human desires and the terrifying outcomes they may unleash. Be prepared to question the cost of your own desires as you venture deeper into the darkness.