Detective Knight: Rogue (2022) is a thrilling crime film set in Los Angeles during the Halloween season. The story revolves around Detective James Knight, who finds himself in a challenging situation when his partner is gravely injured by mask-wearing armed robbers after a daring heist. Determined to bring the perpetrators to justice, Knight sets out on a relentless mission to track down the culprits and avenge his partner's injuries.
This action-packed movie showcases the gritty side of LA as Knight delves deeper into the city's criminal underworld. Faced with numerous obstacles and dangerous encounters, he must navigate through a web of deceit and danger to uncover the truth behind the heist and those responsible.
Filled with suspenseful moments and intense chase sequences, Detective Knight: Rogue keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The film explores complex themes of justice, loyalty, and the fight against evil, all while capturing the essence of Halloween in a thrilling setting.
Directed by an acclaimed filmmaker, this gripping crime thriller promises to deliver a captivating cinematic experience. With stunning visuals and compelling performances from the cast, Detective Knight: Rogue offers a thrilling ride that will leave viewers wanting more.
Also Known As:
Detective Knight: RogueRelease Date:
21 Oct 2022Writers:
Edward Drake, Corey Large