Die Stropers (2018) is a thought-provoking and powerful South African drama set in the Free State region. This isolated area is known for its strong Afrikaans white ethnic minority culture, where traditional values of strength and masculinity are deeply entrenched. However, Janno, the film's protagonist, is unlike the others. Janno is secretive, emotionally fragile, and different from his conservative farming community.
One day, Janno's fiercely religious mother brings home Pieter, a tough street orphan, in hopes of saving him. She asks Janno to make Pieter his brother, setting the stage for a gripping battle for power, heritage, and parental love between the two boys.
This film delves into themes of identity, masculinity, and the clash of cultures in a deeply traditional community. It challenges societal norms and raises questions about acceptance and the consequences of trying to mold others according to one's beliefs.
Die Stropers is a visually stunning and emotionally charged film that explores the complexities of human relationships. With its captivating performances and thought-provoking narrative, this movie is sure to engage audiences and leave them reflecting on the power dynamics and the search for belonging in a rigid society.
Please note that this film contains mature themes and may not be suitable for all viewers.
Also Known As:
The HarvestersRelease Date:
13 Sep 2019Writers:
Etienne Kallos