Don't Come Back Alive is a thrilling action film set to release in 2022. The story revolves around Camila, a brave young member of an elite police unit. While on a dangerous mission, Camila finds herself unexpectedly caught in the midst of a chilling ritual, where members of a group willingly burn themselves to death. Tragically, Camila suffers severe burns all over her body.
Overwhelmed by her physical and emotional pain, Camila becomes determined to seek justice and discovers a mysterious secret surrounding the ritual. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers a dark conspiracy that implicates powerful figures within society.
With her life hanging by a thread, Camila takes on the role of a vigilante, seeking vengeance against those responsible for her suffering. In her fight for justice, she encounters numerous hurdles and dangerous adversaries, putting her physical and mental strength to the ultimate test.
Don't Come Back Alive is an intense and suspenseful film that explores themes of resilience, justice, and the human spirit. It is a story of one woman's desperate struggle against overwhelming odds. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as Camila's journey unfolds in this gripping action-packed thriller.
Also Known As:
Mete MiedoRelease Date:
29 Sep 2022Writers:
Hernán Moyano