Dragon Wars: D-War (2007) is a thrilling action-fantasy film based on a Korean legend. The movie follows investigative reporter Ethan Kendrick, who is tasked with unraveling the mystery behind impending devastation caused by unknown creatures. He becomes convinced that a young girl named Sarah, suffering from a mysterious illness, holds the key to their salvation.
As the chaos unfolds, the ancient creature Imoogi emerges in Los Angeles, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. With the entire city on high alert, Ethan and Sarah face a race against time to stop the impending catastrophe and save the people of Los Angeles.
Dragon Wars: D-War is a visually stunning film that combines intense action sequences with elements of Korean mythology. The movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Ethan and Sarah navigate through a world filled with danger and suspense.
With its gripping storyline and jaw-dropping special effects, Dragon Wars: D-War offers an immersive cinematic experience that will keep audiences entertained from start to finish. Don't miss out on this epic battle between ancient creatures and the fate of humanity. Stream Dragon Wars: D-War and be captivated by a thrilling adventure that will leave you wanting more.
Also Known As:
Dragon Wars: D-WarRelease Date:
14 Sep 2007Writers:
Hyung-rae ShimAwards:
2 wins & 3 nominations.