In the heartwarming science fiction classic E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), a young boy named Elliott befriends an alien left behind on Earth. Troubled and longing for friendship, Elliott discovers the extraterrestrial being in his backyard. Determined to protect his new friend, Elliott, along with his siblings and friends, embark on a mission to help the creature, named E.T., return to his home planet.
As the bond between Elliott and E.T. deepens, they develop a psychic connection, allowing them to understand each other's thoughts and feelings. However, their unique connection also puts them at risk as government agents become aware of E.T.'s presence and launch a relentless pursuit to capture the creature. Elliott and his friends must now devise a plan to save E.T. from these threats and ensure his safe return.
Directed by Steven Spielberg and featuring a memorable score by John Williams, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a timeless tale of friendship, courage, and the power of love. The film beautifully captures the innocence and wonder of childhood, touching the hearts of audiences of all ages. With its groundbreaking visual effects and heartrending performances, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is an absolute must-watch for all fans of science fiction and heartfelt stories.
Also Known As:
E.T. the Extra-TerrestrialRelease Date:
11 Jun 1982Writers:
Melissa MathisonAwards:
Won 4 Oscars. 52 wins & 36 nominations total