Eaten Alive is a gripping and chilling horror film set in rural East Texas. The story revolves around a mentally unstable redneck who operates a decrepit hotel. When people dare to cross him or interfere with his business, he responds with murderous rage. To dispose of the evidence and serve his twisted sense of justice, he feeds their bodies to a terrifying crocodile that he keeps as a pet in the nearby swamp.
The film takes viewers on a thrilling journey as they witness the psychotic redneck's escalating violence and the gruesome fate that awaits those who dare to challenge him. Full of suspense and horror, Eaten Alive keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, never knowing who will be the next victim and how they will meet their demise.
With its atmospheric setting in rural Texas and its spine-chilling storyline, Eaten Alive is a must-watch for fans of intense and macabre horror. Directed by Tobe Hooper, who is renowned for his mastery in the genre, the film grabs hold of viewers from the very beginning and doesn't let go until the shocking climax.
Prepare yourself for a terrifying journey into the mind of a disturbed killer in Eaten Alive, as you witness his deranged acts and the gruesome consequences that await those who cross his path.
Also Known As:
Eaten AliveRelease Date:
13 May 1977Writers:
Alvin L. Fast, Mardi Rustam, Kim HenkelAwards:
2 nominations