Eiffel is a fascinating historical drama set in 19th-century Paris that revolves around the renowned French engineer Gustave Eiffel. The movie centers on a pivotal moment in Eiffel's life when he is approached by the government to design a groundbreaking structure for the upcoming 1889 Paris World Fair. However, Eiffel's true passion lies in designing the city's subway system.
Everything takes an unexpected turn when Eiffel encounters a mysterious woman named Adrienne Bourgès from the exotic island of Arun. Their meeting not only sparks a deep and immediate connection between them but also leads Eiffel to gain a new perspective on his work.
As Eiffel and Adrienne spend more time together, they form a unique bond that combines personal and professional interests. The beautiful backdrop of Paris and the enchanting World Fair add to the allure of their story. However, as Eiffel gets closer to finalizing his iconic creation, he must confront challenges and obstacles that threaten to derail his plans.
Eiffel is an emotionally gripping film that delves into themes of love, ambition, and the pursuit of dreams. With stunning visuals, compelling performances, and a captivating storyline, this movie offers a fresh take on an iconic historical figure and his journey to leave an indelible mark on Paris.
Also Known As:
EiffelRelease Date:
13 Oct 2021Writers:
Caroline Bongrand, Thomas Bidegain, Natalie CarterAwards:
3 nominations