In the year 2154, the world is divided into two distinct classes: the wealthy inhabitants of the pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the unfortunate inhabitants of a overpopulated and devastated Earth. Secretary Delacourt, a government official, is determined to maintain the luxurious lifestyle of Elysium's citizens by enforcing strict anti-immigration laws.
Despite the dangers and risks involved, the residents of Earth are willing to do whatever it takes to gain access to Elysium. When Max, an unlucky Earth dweller, finds himself with no other option, he accepts a dangerous mission that could potentially save his life and also bring about equality between the two worlds.
As Max embarks on this daunting task, it becomes clear that the outcome of his mission holds not only the key to his survival but also the possibility of breaking down the stark social divides. With the fate of both worlds hanging in the balance, Max faces relentless opposition from Secretary Delacourt and her forces, who will stop at nothing to maintain the status quo.
Elysium is a gripping and visually stunning science fiction thriller that takes audiences on a heart-pounding journey through a dystopian future. With a powerful cast and thought-provoking themes, this film explores issues of class divide, immigration, and the fight for equality. Will Max succeed in his mission and bring about change, or will he be silenced by the powerful forces working against him?
Also Known As:
ElysiumRelease Date:
09 Aug 2013Writers:
Neill BlomkampAwards:
1 win & 10 nominations.