En djävul till flickvän (Saving Silverman) is a comedy film released in 2001. The story revolves around two best friends, Wayne and J.D., who are devoted fans of singer Neil Diamond. They become determined to save their friend Darren from marrying the wrong woman named Judith, a manipulative psychologist.
Wayne and J.D. hatch a plan to kidnap Judith and reunite Darren with his high school sweetheart, Sandy, who is on her way to becoming a nun. The hilarious journey begins as they try to execute their elaborate plan, often encountering unexpected obstacles and comedic mishaps along the way.
As the story progresses, Wayne and J.D.'s loyalty to their friend is put to the test, and they must confront their own shortcomings and insecurities. With the help of some eccentric characters, including a charismatic football coach and a Neil Diamond impersonator, they strive to make sure Darren ends up with the right woman.
En djävul till flickvän (Saving Silverman) is a heartwarming and hilarious comedy that explores the themes of friendship, love, and the lengths people will go to in order to protect those they care about. With its comedic moments and feel-good vibe, it is sure to entertain audiences of all ages.