Estonia och myterna is a captivating documentary that delves into the mysterious sinking of the MS Estonia in 1994. The series explores the aftermath and the extensive investigations that followed, shedding light on the truth behind the tragedy. It brings viewers behind the scenes of the ongoing research conducted by scientists and authorities, while also presenting alternative theories that question the official narrative.
The documentary introduces us to various individuals affected by the sinking and explores their perspectives. We meet Jonathan Lindström, an archaeologist who tragically lost his parents in the Estonia disaster. For Lindström, the creation of myths surrounding the event is a painful wound that he seeks to heal.
Throughout the series, critical journalists are also given a voice, persistently claiming that the truth has yet to be revealed. The documentary raises important questions about conspiracy theories and the reasons behind their emergence. It delves into the underlying factors that contribute to the formation of alternative narratives and examines the impact they have on public perception.
By presenting both the official investigations and alternative viewpoints, Estonia och myterna provides an in-depth exploration of the tragedy that will leave viewers questioning what they know about the event. This thought-provoking documentary series is a must-watch for anyone interested in uncovering the truth behind historical mysteries.