Fifty Shades of Black is a hilarious parody of the popular erotic drama, Fifty Shades of Grey. The story revolves around an innocent college student named Hannah, who becomes infatuated with a wealthy businessman, Christian Black. Their whirlwind romance takes a comedic turn as Christian introduces Hannah to his unique and unconventional sexual practices. As their relationship progresses, Hannah finds herself caught in a world filled with BDSM, dominated by Christian's peculiar desires.
This tongue-in-cheek comedy, directed by Michael Tiddes, offers a plethora of laugh-out-loud moments and satirical jabs at the sensationalized original film. Fifty Shades of Black cleverly lampoons the exaggerated elements and themes of Fifty Shades of Grey, providing viewers with a light-hearted and comical take on the erotic genre.
With Marlon Wayans in the lead role, the film showcases his impeccable comedic timing and knack for physical comedy. Accompanied by a talented ensemble cast, including Kali Hawk, Mike Epps, and Jane Seymour, the movie ensures non-stop laughter.
Fifty Shades of Black appeals to audiences who enjoy adult-oriented parodies and those looking for a humorous twist on the widely popular Fifty Shades phenomenon. This comedic spinoff guarantees an entertaining viewing experience that will leave audiences in stitches from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Fifty Shades of BlackRelease Date:
29 Jan 2016Writers:
Marlon Wayans, Rick AlvarezAwards:
2 wins & 4 nominations