In Fighting the Sky (2018), a group of researchers, led by ufologist Lorraine Gardner, embark on an expedition to uncover the source of strange, other-worldly sounds that have been echoing across the globe. As they delve deeper into their investigation, the team begins to unravel the truth behind the mysterious phenomenon, uncovering a shocking revelation that goes beyond their initial expectations.
This sci-fi thriller takes viewers on a suspenseful journey filled with eerie encounters and unexplained phenomena. The film explores the themes of extraterrestrial life and the quest for answers, as the characters face unforeseen challenges and unexpected dangers during their mission. As each piece of the puzzle falls into place, the true nature of the sounds and their implications become clearer, leading the team down a path they never could have anticipated.
Fighting the Sky presents a unique blend of mystery, suspense, and science fiction elements, allowing audiences to engage with the unexplained and question the boundaries of our known world. With a talented cast and captivating storytelling, this film promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the twists and turns of the unfolding mystery. Prepare to be captivated by the enigmatic sounds that haunt the characters, and join them in their quest to uncover the truth of what lies beyond.
Also Known As:
Fighting the SkyRelease Date:
11 Aug 2018Writers:
David Matthew Cummings (collaborating writer), Conrad Faraj, Roger Jones (collaborating writer)