FILTH (2013) is a gripping crime drama centered around a corrupt policeman named Bruce Robertson. Robertson, portrayed brilliantly by James McAvoy, is a troubled individual battling not just criminals, but also his own inner demons and bipolar disorder. His twisted mind constantly devises manipulative schemes to claw his way to a promotion and win back the love of his life, his estranged wife and daughter.
Set in the gritty streets of Scotland, Filth delves deep into the dark side of human nature, exploring themes of addiction, corruption, and mental illness. As Robertson sinks deeper into his own self-destructive behaviors, the line between right and wrong becomes increasingly blurred.
The film delivers an intense and atmospheric experience, combined with a powerful performance by McAvoy, who expertly portrays the complex and tormented character of Robertson. The story twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats, as we are taken on a thrilling journey through Robertson's twisted mind and the depths of depravity he will sink to.
Filth is a thought-provoking and raw exploration of the human psyche, highlighting the consequences of unchecked desires and the destructive power of deceit. With its gripping storytelling and outstanding performances, this crime drama is a must-watch for fans of intense and dark psychological thrillers.
Also Known As:
FilthRelease Date:
24 Apr 2014Writers:
Jon S. Baird, Irvine WelshAwards:
9 wins & 14 nominations