Free State of Jones is a gripping historical drama set during the Civil War that follows the true story of Newt Knight, a fearless Southern farmer. In an act of defiance against the Confederacy, Knight leads a remarkable armed rebellion together with other small farmers and local slaves. Their rebellion is successful, resulting in Jones County, Mississippi seceding from the Confederacy and establishing a Free State of Jones.
The film sheds light on the little-known history of this extraordinary event and explores the aftermath of the rebellion during the Reconstruction era. Newt Knight emerges as a compelling and controversial figure, as he continues his struggle against injustices long after the War is over.
Free State of Jones offers a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of loyalty and rebellion during a time of great divide in American history. Through powerful storytelling and compelling performances, the film paints a vivid picture of the courage and resilience of those who stood up against oppression.
This historical drama is a must-watch for fans of war films, as it offers a unique perspective on the Civil War. With its captivating narrative and strong performances, Free State of Jones is sure to leave viewers enlightened and engaged.