In the movie Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997), a tragic incident unfolds when a 6-year-old Inuit boy falls from a snowy roof in Copenhagen and loses his life. Smilla, a woman of Inuit descent who resides in the same building as the boy, becomes determined to uncover the truth behind the boy's untimely demise. Intrigued by the boy's inexplicable fear of heights, Smilla delves deeper and embarks on a journey that takes her to the remote landscapes of Greenland.
As the investigation progresses, Smilla unearths a series of clues that lead her closer to the heart of the mystery. Drawing upon her profound connection to her Inuit heritage and her unique ability to interpret subtle details in the snow, Smilla navigates the treacherous beauty of Greenland's icy landscapes in pursuit of the truth.
Smilla's Sense of Snow is a captivating thriller that showcases the strength and determination of its protagonist. With stunning visuals capturing the pristine yet dangerous world of Greenland, the film provides a visually immersive experience. As Smilla unravels the secrets surrounding the boy's death, audiences will be drawn into a gripping tale of suspense, like the intricate footprints left behind in freshly fallen snow.
This movie offers a thrilling narrative and an exploration of cultural identity in the face of adversity. Smilla's Sense of Snow presents a unique blend of mystery and cultural nuances that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the final revelation.
Also Known As:
Smilla's Sense of SnowRelease Date:
28 Feb 1997Writers:
Peter Høeg (novel), Ann Biderman (screenplay)Awards:
1 nomination.