Gangster Land (2017) unravels the captivating story of America's notorious mobsters, shedding light on their rise to power. The movie centers around Al Capone's ascent to greatness and is presented through the eyes of his trusted right-hand man, Machine Gun Jack McGurn. At the outset, McGurn is a budding amateur boxer, but his destiny takes an unexpected turn when his stepfather is murdered. Consumed by revenge, he finds himself drawn into the world of the Italian mafia.
Once a member, McGurn quickly climbs the ranks, alongside his loyal friend and eventual boss, Al Capone. Together, they contribute to the Italian mob's emergence as the most profitable crime organization in the nation. But their dominance is not without opposition. Tensions brew between the Italian mob and the Irish gang led by Bugs Moran, ultimately leading to a ferocious gang war.
The climax of the film is the infamous St. Valentine's Day Massacre, an event that shakes the city to its core and forever alters the course of organized crime. As the movie unravels, viewers become fully immersed in the enthralling drama, witnessing the gritty underworld and treacherous power struggles that defined this period in history.
Gangster Land (2017) is an enthralling tale that takes viewers on a suspenseful journey through the lives of America's most legendary mobsters. With its gripping storyline and authentic depiction of a bygone era, this movie is sure to captivate crime enthusiasts and history buffs alike.