In the emotionally powerful documentary Gleason (2016), viewers follow the remarkable journey of Steve Gleason, a former professional football player, after his devastating diagnosis of ALS. Faced with the unknown future ahead, Gleason decides to create a video diary for his unborn son, documenting his thoughts and experiences as his disease progresses.
As the film progresses, audiences witness the immense challenges and heart-wrenching moments that Gleason and his wife, along with their friends and family, face as they navigate the complexities of ALS. The documentary delves into the physical and emotional toll that the disease takes on Gleason's body, as well as the strain it puts on his relationships.
Throughout the film, there is a strong emphasis on the efforts made by Gleason and his loved ones to raise funds and awareness for ALS, highlighting the urgent need for support within the ALS community. The documentary also explores the impact of technology in helping Gleason communicate and maintain connections with his loved ones, showcasing the resilience and determination of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
Gleason is a thought-provoking and inspirational film that sheds light on the realities of living with ALS. It not only offers an intimate and honest portrait of one man's journey but also serves as a powerful call to action, urging viewers to support and advocate for those afflicted by this devastating disease.