In the 1997 comedy film Gone Fishin', two best friends, Joe and Gus, embark on an adventure-packed fishing trip that quickly turns into a comedic rollercoaster ride. With their tackle box in tow, the duo faces a series of hilarious and unforeseen obstacles that test their patience and friendship.
Joe and Gus are portrayed by the legendary comedic actors, Joe Pesci and Danny Glover, respectively. Joe, the more hot-headed of the pair, accidentally hooks a legendary fisherman's tackle box, sparking a string of misfortunes. From being mistaken for hitmen by the local mob to accidentally destroying a local beauty pageant, Joe and Gus find themselves in one comical mishap after another.
As they navigate through their unplanned adventures, the duo's friendship is further tested. Along the way, they encounter various eccentric characters, adding to the film's comedic elements and providing hilarious interactions.
Gone Fishin' promises an entertaining and lighthearted experience, filled with slapstick humor and unexpected twists. With their determination and camaraderie, Joe and Gus strive to overcome the challenges and salvage their dream fishing trip.
Directed by Christopher Cain, this comedy film promises to keep audiences laughing with its irresistible mix of witty dialogue, physical humor, and lively performances. Gone Fishin' is perfect for anyone who enjoys a good laugh and a heartwarming story of friendship, even in unlikely circumstances.
Also Known As:
Gone Fishin'Release Date:
30 May 1997Writers:
Jill Mazursky, J.J. AbramsAwards:
1 nomination