Grandma's Boy (2006) is a hilarious comedy that follows the misadventures of Alex, a 35-year-old video game tester whose life takes a drastic turn after his roommate spends their rent money on questionable activities. With nowhere else to go, Alex is reluctantly forced to move in with his grandmother.
Desperate to maintain his cool image among his younger coworkers, Alex fabricates an outrageous story about living with a really cute chick and her two wild girlfriends. Little does his friends know, he's referring to his own grandmother and her quirky roommates.
As Alex navigates the challenges of living with his grandmother and her eccentric friends, he also faces professional challenges at work. With a big video game design competition looming, Alex must juggle the demands of his job, the chaos of his new living arrangement, and his own personal growth.
Filled with hilarious and outrageous moments, Grandma's Boy is a must-watch comedy that brings together the worlds of gaming, family, and friendship. Will Alex be able to save face among his coworkers? Will he find success in the video game industry? And will he come to appreciate the unexpected joys of living with his grandmother and her friends? Tune in to find out in this side-splitting film that will leave you laughing until the end.