In Green Street Hooligans 2, the sequel to the popular film Green Street Hooligans, we witness the aftermath of a deadly clash between the West Ham firm and the Millwall crew. Many members from both sides find themselves behind bars, including the GSE (Green Street Elite) from West Ham.
Inside the prison walls, the GSE quickly learns the harsh reality of life on the inside. They become constant targets of the rival Millwall crew, who possess superior numbers and resources. The brutal battles between the two factions escalate, with both sides eager to prove their dominance within the prison.
As tensions rise, the GSE finds themselves facing difficult choices, testing their loyalty and determination. They must navigate the treacherous prison environment while staying true to their beliefs and protecting their own.
Green Street Hooligans 2 is a thrilling and engaging continuation of the original film, delving deeper into the world of football hooliganism. It explores themes of loyalty, brotherhood, and the consequences of violence. With intense fight scenes and compelling storytelling, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Join the GSE as they fight for survival amidst a brutal prison environment in Green Street Hooligans 2.