Hålla Samman is a heartwarming Swedish drama series that follows the lives of two contrasting sisters, Lina and Petra. Despite their differences, the sisters are experts in quickly resolving conflicts. However, when their father, Kenneth, is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, their lives are turned upside down.
The diagnosis prompts Lina and Petra to come together and find a solution to their father's deteriorating condition. However, they have differing opinions on what should be done. This leads to intense disagreements and stormy arguments between the sisters.
Navigating the challenges of their father's illness, Lina and Petra are forced to confront their own personal struggles and confront their differences. Throughout the series, they learn to overcome their conflicts and find a way to support each other during this difficult time.
Hålla Samman explores themes of family, love, and the complexities of sibling relationships. It touches upon the emotional toll that a diagnosis like Alzheimer's can have on a family and emphasizes the importance of unity and understanding in the face of adversity.
With compelling performances and a poignant storyline, Hålla Samman is a captivating series that will leave viewers reflecting on the power of familial bonds and the strength that can be found in coming together during challenging times.
Also Known As:
Hålla SammanRelease Date:
30 Oct 2023