In Heja Roland! (1966), the story follows a young aspiring writer named Roland who finds himself in desperate need of money. To make ends meet, he takes a job at an advertising agency, where he is placed in the cosmetics department. Roland is tasked with conducting market research for a new remedy for pimples, which leads him into a world of superficiality and deceit. As Roland navigates the cutthroat world of advertising, he struggles to maintain his integrity and artistic dreams amidst the pressure to sell products that he doesn't believe in.
Through Roland's experiences at the agency, the film explores themes of ambition, morality, and the sacrifices individuals make in pursuit of success. As Roland grapples with his conscience and his desire to follow his passion for writing, he must confront the harsh realities of the advertising industry. Will Roland be able to stay true to himself in a world where appearance is everything, or will he succumb to the pressures of commercialism?
Also Known As:
Heja Roland!Release Date:
19 Sep 1966Writers:
Bo WiderbergAwards:
2 wins