High Flying Bird (2019) is a gripping sports drama directed by Steven Soderbergh. Set against the backdrop of a lockout in professional basketball, the film revolves around an ambitious sports agent, Ray Burke, who seeks new ways to navigate the corrupt and exploitative world of professional sports. With the lockout threatening the upcoming season, Ray concocts a daring plan to regain control for both the players and the sport itself.
The movie follows Ray as he pitches a groundbreaking business opportunity to his rookie client, Erick Scott, played by NBA player Andre Holland. This opportunity challenges the established power dynamics within the NBA and aims to empower the players. As the plan unfolds, Ray faces immense pressure from the league, the players' association, and even Erick's own loyalty to his team.
High Flying Bird explores complex themes of exploitation, race, and power, shedding light on the harsh realities players face under the control of team owners and the league. With its sharp dialogue, fast-paced narrative, and stellar performances from an ensemble cast that includes Zazie Beetz and Kyle MacLachlan, the film delivers a thought-provoking and insightful commentary on the sports industry.
Brought to life by Soderbergh's distinct visual style and keen storytelling, High Flying Bird is a must-watch for fans of sports dramas who crave a deeper exploration of the world behind the game.
Also Known As:
High Flying BirdRelease Date:
08 Feb 2019Writers:
Tarell Alvin McCraney